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Titty Bitty ™
Sold exclusively by Pink Jewel Daisy
Unique Gift for Bridal Shower. Contact to discuss custom options.
Titty Bitty ™

What the Shizzle Is a Titty Bitty ™
Titty Bitty™ is a tumbled shiny stone, aka crystal, that's tucked closed to the TaTas.
Tucking titty bitties close to the tatas helps you stay true to the mood you choose.
Like our TaTas, crystals come in all shapes and sizes. Trust the titty bitty you receive is meant to be yours, no matter the size. No Judgment! Just Jewels!
Pink Jewel Daisy is all about equal opportunity for all TaTas. This means you don't have to have your own TaTas to be part of the TaTa Tribe. Whether you had them, got them, or share them, there might be a Titty Bitty™ out there waiting for you to wear or share!

Same Rock. Different Spot.
Hang out with a Nutty Buddy to rock your vibe.
How it works? Tuck the jewel in your pocket, close to the family jewels, and carry the vibe with you.
It's as simple as that. No judgment. Just jewels.
It's Meant to Be
Visit the Jewel Shop for the jewels destined to find their way to you.
The information on this site is for educational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose. Products on this site are not intended to treat. You should seek the advice of a doctor before making health care decisions.