Full Flower Moon: Embrace Your Inner Flower Child

Full Flower Moon: Embrace Your Inner Flower Child


May’s full moon is a Flower Moon. Is it any wonder with a name like Jewel Daisy that I would feel a special vibe for it with its symbolic connection to flowers and growth and blooming? While different regions and cultures have their own unique names for each full moon, using a name that resonates with you for any reason, can add another layer of power to moon mojo celebrations.

As noted by The Old Farmer’s Almanac, the Algonquin Tribe named May’s full moon for its flowers that abundantly spring up during the fifth month of the year. So this full Flower Moon, let’s embrace our colorful gardens, appreciate the variety of flowers growing around us, and celebrate the potential of hope for what may bloom in our lives.

I often celebrate the mojo of full moon with a ritual that connects me to Moon’s mystical, cosmic vibes. I include intentions for weeding away what doesn’t serve me well, to make room for what does. For the Flower Moon, I’ll add intentions for growing colorful flowers to bring vibrant blooms to my life. Webster defines Flower Child as “a hippie who advocates love, beauty, and peace.” Tonight, I’ll connect deeper with my inner flower child. 

Tonight, I’ll celebrate the close presence of the Supermoon in full Flower Moon bloom. I’ll wear my most colorful of gardening hats, gift a variety of colorful blooms to the powers that be, and speak aloud my hippie affirmations to evoke the flower child inside me to dance. Adding Earth, Air, Fire, and Water elements to my moon mojo adds an extra punch of power to my energetic field.

Bright Blessings, 

Jewel Daisy



I'm polishing up a ritual I use as a template to guide me during moon mojo celebrations. I'll be sharing it with my moon-loving, crystal-vibing peeps that are subscribed to my blog. So if you haven't yet scrolled to the bottom of my home page to subscribe, now's a great time to energetically connect. :-)

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