Gin, Teeters, and Tacos. Oh My!

Some flowers need lots of shade, some need lots of sun, and still others thrive best with globs of sun filtering over their flower patch. So we have the Shades, the Suns, and the Globs. I think I’m a Glob! I love me some sun, but like Goldilocks, I like it just right…not too much, not too little, but just the right amount filtered through my days so my mood is more rosy than pooey. 

Gin, Teeters, and Tacos. Oh My! 

I’m a Pollyanna kinda girl who gravitates toward gladness. It’s when I feel my most centered. But playing the glad game all day, every day is like being stuck on a teeter totter. It’s fun for a bit, but after a while, ya gotta jump off or the teetering becomes tottering. 

Having some shade over my little patch of the world fits perfectly with my addiction to the sunny side of life. Not too much Shade, not too much Sun, just the right amount of Glob. And, getting the right amount of glob can be challenging. Sometimes rainy days linger, but like the sun, we need rain for flowers to grow. So, when I’m getting more Shades than Globs, I put on my rose-colored glasses to tint my view in a rosier direction. 

When you need to color your mood with a rosier view, find yourself a pair of rose-tinted spectacles. They’re a perfect pairing for the moody blues. They go together like Gin and Tonic. Or maybe I should say they go together like Tuesdays and Tacos? Cause if you mix up my analogies and you put gin with your teeter, tottering is sure to follow. ;-)

Bright Blessings,

Jewel Daisy

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