Magic Under Light of the Moon

As I sit here writing this morning, channeling spirit’s messages to mingle with my intuition, I’m reminded to get out of my head and into my heart.
The seeker in me loves to learn about the science of magic and practical ways to weave the woo. But the full moon is calling, charming me with its silent light language. Full moon magic is powerful and with the energy of the equinox pulsing so close to it, the messages are sparking insight and inspiration.

Carnelian, Oils, and Rose Colored Glasses
Rose colored glasses on, carnelian around my neck, pink pepper and basil dabbed along my pulse points, and my soul is singing in harmony with fall spirits. Pulling cards is my conduit of choice today, while the moon winks goodbye to me. “Til tomorrow,” she says.
My heart leads me to write about the magic of fall and the release of my first book!
My head remembers all I’ve learned and my heart leads my surrender to the joy of fall’s enchanting spirits and mystical joy. And I watch in my mind, the path I’ve traveled in the last several years. I feel so strongly that the change sparked in me can happen for anyone who aligns their head with their heart, follows the signs where they may lead, and takes action to manifest what they want to grow.
My eyes opened one day years ago (so surreal to speak in terms of years now), and I knew I wanted something more. I felt change, big change. Instead of staying in my head and doing the practical routines of working to save for rainy days, I leapt with my heart. I landed on an unknown path, and the path reawakened my love of nature, crystals, moon mojo, the power of the universe, and the spirit of realms beyond man’s measurements.
I sowed intentions under the new moon, I activated crystal grids for abundance and prosperity and good health. Under Full Moon, I weeded away what held me back from what I wanted to manifest. I meditated and used my thoughts as a magnet to attract more of what I wanted, maybe not exactly how I imagined…but movement happened. Energy shifted!
And under the light of the full moon, I made magic.

Blue Hissy Highness
Blue Hissy Highness was born—a lyrical story of a Chuckwalla who doesn’t blend in like other wallas do. She makes the subconscious choice to turn her pain of being left out into dark clouds that reign over those who cast her alone. But when someone unexpected shows them the power of choices and using crystals to help stay true to the mood you choose, it sparks the chance for change.
Starting with the full moon and the fall equinox, I’ll be marking the days til the release of my book, Blue Hissy Highness and the Shiny Stones.
If you’re attracted to my page, my posts, my energy, there’s a reason!
And you have a choice. You can browse past, absorbing the bright blessings bubbling out to those who wish to receive. Or, you can follow along with me for a while…to see where, by merging with my path, it takes you on yours.
Either way, there are no commitments other than opening yourself to the law of attraction, listening to your intuition, and falling into autumn’s magic realm of possibilities.
The first in Blue Hissy’s story is to be released on the full moon nearest Samhain. On that day and the weeks leading up to the release, I’ll be gifting reiki blessed crystals to the sweet peeps who want to share in my journey and celebrate with me, the gifts growing from what I sowed under the moon of a spring equinox.
Follow me on Facebook @pinkjeweldaisy to stay tuned for details as they bubble out from Jewel’s Rosy Bubble.
Til then, Bright Blessings, Sweet Peeps.
~ Jewel Daisy