Moon Mojo: Full Moon Weeding

To me, weeding feels very judgy. I love dandelions, and because they’re so sassy as to grow wherever the wind takes them, they’re often weeded away when they grow next to flowers held in higher esteem. What’s not to love? They’re too cheery, too sunny, too abundant? But that’s a story for another day. While I don’t practice the judgy habit of weeding away dandelions, I am most definitely enthusiastic about weeding away what doesn’t spiritually serve me well. And I do this at the full moon. I think of it as my Full Moon Mojo.

Full Moon Weeding

Every month (and sometimes more), the universe aligns to give us a Full Moon. The moon orbits around us here on earth while we earthlings are orbiting the sun. When these three powers that be align just so, we see the full face of the moon lighting our night sky. From Moon’s silent light language, I hear moonbeams charging the air, charming me under its spell.

Full Moon is when I connect with moon’s fully illuminated mojo. It’s a time for me to let go of what doesn’t serve me well. For me to weed away what is holding me back from what I want to manifest in my life. And when I weed away the energy I don’t want growing in my garden, I replace it with gratitude for what I have in my life that does serve me well. It’s also a time to celebrate the completion of intentions set under the previous new moon.

When I was first charmed by the full moon, I simply started by writing down on a piece of a paper what I wanted to weed away. And on the night of the full moon, I read it aloud, then I set the paper on fire to release that energy. With its release, I made room for something new to grow.

And since growing takes time, I fill the open spaces with my thanks for the garden I’ve got.

Bright blessings,

Jewel Daisy

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