One Crystal To Rule Them All

Quartz crystals are my most favorite crystals.

I don’t actually think quartz crystals rule all other crystals in the crystal kingdom, but I do feel they’re the most powerful.

Crystals on Cover of Blue Hissy Highness and the Shiny Stones Book

In my book, Blue Hissy Highness and the Shiny Stones, readers can find Clear Quartz, Rose Quartz, Smoky Quartz, and Amethyst on the cover and in the pages of the book. And all of these are in the Quartz Family of crystals.

Quartz is one of the most abundant minerals found in Mother Earth. Quartz crystal is made of silicon dioxide, which is silicon and oxygen. Quartz crystal amplifies energy and vibrates at a certain, consistent frequency. With specific intentions, quartz can often be used as a substitute for other crystals.

When Quartz crystals grow in certain areas with other minerals, Mother Earth gives us more crystals. Here’s a list of the crystals in the book and some of the many reasons I like them.

Clear Quartz is pure silicon dioxide without any other minerals or colors. I like it for the Crown Chakra and to amplify the vibey goodness of the other crystals around it. But a word of caution, natural does not mean safe. Clear Quartz amplifies. Feeling angsty? Without clear intentions, quartz might amplify that angst. Feeling moody? Quartz might amplify the MOMOs if specific intentions are set.

Rose Quartz is a pink crystal made with the quartz mineral and mineral fibers that show pink in various hues. The exact cause of the pink is still unknown, but one theory is that a pink metal-like fibrous mineral mingled with quartz to create what I call Mother Earth’s original Love Charm: Rose Quartz. In addition to healing emotional heart hurts, Rose quartz gives crystal-assist to the hearth’s circulatory system. Rose Quartz is my go-to for general emotional support.

Smoky Quartz is a brownish crystal made when quartz mineral and small amounts of aluminum mingle, and when these minerals are baked by Mother Earth, we get the gift of Smoky Quartz crystals. When I need gentle grounding and relaxing vibes that dispels negative energy, Smoky Quartz is my go-to. Black Tourmaline is also a silicate crystal that is very good at dispelling negative energy, but it’s a stronger energy that may feel uncomfortable during more sensitive times. So if I want gentle grounding and releasing of the negative, I use Smoky Quartz.

Amethyst is a purple crystal made when quartz mineral and small amounts of iron mingle, and when these minerals are baked by Mother Earth, we get purplicious Amethyst crystals. I often think of Amethyst as a Superhero of crystals. It’s action-packed with spiritual vibrations. It helps with monkey-mind thoughts. It protects from negative energies and energy vampires that have a tendency to suck happy vibes out of your auric field. It has a calming, balancing affect on the MOMOs. And it is a popular go-to crystal when over-indulgence has you full of wishes for better things but lack will power to get to a better place.

Quartz Crystals On Plate

Even though I feel the Quartz Family to be the most powerful of crystals, “powerful” shouldn’t be confused with “best.” Power should be used wisely, and using quartz to align our chakras (our body’s subtle energy centers) can be useful, but for some, using a crystal with gentle frequencies might serve better, might be best for us at a particular point in time.


Bright Blessings,

Jewel Daisy

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