Rose Quartz: Charmer of the Heart Chakra

The Beatles sang about it, the poets canonized it, and Mother Earth made a stone for it. LOVE! Rose Quartz is the original love charm. But it’s not just for love of self or love for another. It’s rosy all daisy for all things related to the heart. 

I like to think of it as a love charm from Mother Earth!


Rose Quartz: Charmer of the Heart Chakra


The heart wants what the heart wants. We’ve all heard it, but in Chakra Land, it’s a special kind of connection. But let’s back up. Chakra is the Sanskrit term meaning “wheel” or “vortex.” Say what? Sanskrit is an ancient language of people who believed the body has non-physical energy centers, called chakras. These non-physical energy centers relate to the spiritual and the emotional energy fields of the body. 

The chakras move in a wheel-like motion, interconnected with nerve centers along the spine, in a 3-dimensional, doughnut-like shape, called a vortex. The chakra in the middle of the 7 primary chakras, nestled along the spine, is the Heart Chakra. 

Like all things, chakras vibrate with their own frequency. And certain crystals are known to resonate with specific chakras. By resonate, I mean that it vibrates at an octave that sings in harmony. Added to this is that every chakra has a vibrational match to certain colors on the color wheel. But there are exceptions. And Rose Quartz is exceptional!

Colors also have their own frequency, and research connects the frequency of certain colors to corresponding chakra points. But Rose Quartz is one of the exceptional exceptions to the rule. It’s Pink! It’s pink, yet it sings in harmony with the green-vibing Heart Chakra. 

Rose Quartz isn’t the only stone that sings in harmony with the Heart Chakra. This chakra’s vibrational color match is green, which means, most objects of green will resonate. So, if you don’t have Rose Quartz, look to stones of green. One of my favorites? Green Aventurine.

So, we’ve chatted chakras, colors, and harmony. Here’s a list of how Rose Quartz charms our body’s energy field.

It’s the crystal for all things love and compassion, with yourself, with others, with the world around you. As a stone that resonates with the heart, it’s known to support organs in the heart region of the body and body systems connected to the heart, like the circulatory system. And it’s great for helping you on paths to forgiveness. When the glass feels half full or when the frown would feel better, upside down, Rose Quartz can vibe a rosier view and to help you stay true to the mood that you choose. 

But one of my favorite, rosy ways to get my warm-fuzzy juices flowing and my MOMOs moving in a direction I choose? I get a little help from my rosy friend, reach out to hold your hand, and remember, that all you need is love!

Bright Blessings,

Jewel Daisy

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