Tips and Tools for Tending Vibes


Tips and Tools for Tending Vibes

Good intentions set, letting love and light lead the way, and then…wham, life’s garden of happy blooms gets weighed down by some shizzle or another. The more shizzle piled on my garden, and I’m warming up to flashpoint, ready to kick kumbaya out of the way all the way to namaste!

Thankfully, I’ve learned lots of tips and tools to tend my vibe so life’s shizzle doesn’t pile up so much that my garden gets too stinky for too long. This blog post is action-packed, so it’s longer than most. I’ve added lots of headings and bolded text to help you navigate.

Surrounded by energy vampires? Someone trigger a nerve? Tense discussion? Big fight? Got so much to manage that at times, like me, you’re ready to sprout thorns and shoot them willy nilly?

Let’s not set to launch just yet. Here’s some tools and tips to tend vibes and give some TLC to our moods and emotions (MOMOs).


Crystals are some of my favorite self-help tools. Using crystal-assist, can speed up the process of clearing the stink out after all the shizzle has been slung. In this instance, certain crystals can help the body receive good vibrations and release the bad. Use the stable vibrations of crystals to help the body’s easily-influenced energy field to align to a more balanced frequency. 

In the left hand, place a crystal known for its mood balancing and protective energy. In the right hand, place a crystal known for transmuting negative energy, a crystal known to ground excess energy and send it back to earth to be neutralized. 

Learning from other’s lessons learned is helpful, but when it comes to crystals, most will agree that intuition trumps all. So, if certain crystals wink for a particular reason, try what feels right. 

Here’s my go-to. Amethyst is energy balancing and protective, so I place it in my left hand to receive its good vibes while protecting me from bad vibes. Smoky Quartz is grounding and releases negative energy, so I place it in my right hand to release negative vibes and ground them back to earth. 

I use my intuition when a substitute is called for. Here’s a short list of crystals I have experience with and that have served me well in various ways related to tending vibes:

Aventurine protects, calms, and soothes MOMOs while preventing energy vampires from sucking out all the good vibes.

Black Tourmaline dispels negative energy and is very grounding. 

Citrine brightens and grounds the mood in optimism.  

Flourite protects from negative energies and promotes release of excess energy. 

Hematite is very grounding. 

Lepidolite and Moonstone have soothing energy.

Rose Quartz helps the body align to peaceful, loving, compassionate vibes.

Sapphire is good when feeling overwhelmed.

Selenite promotes calm and serenity.

Tiger’s Eye helps with mood swings and is good for boundary setting.

And with clearly defined intentions, Clear Quartz is Queen on the Scene as a substitute for most crystal needs.

Choosing a crystal for the right fit at the right time can sometimes involve a bit of know-how, but it also takes practice to gain experience. There’re times when I don't get a desired result from my crystal work, but I don’t give up. And the more I learn, the more I practice, the more I excercise my intuitive muscles, the better results I get.

Tips and Tools for Tending Vibes

Tools to Tend the Vibes

Scratch and Sniff

Scratch the peel of any citrus fruit and sniff. My fave is lemon. I Scratch and Sniff a Lemon and my vibe is infused with bright citrus notes.

An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure

When I know I’m headed into a tense situation, I power up with crystals tools…in my bra, in my pocket, a bracelet, a necklace. 

Tips for preventing negative energy from hi-jacking positive MOMOs: 

Setting intentions for what you want to accomplish.

Reading affirmations to set the tone in advance.

Setting boundaries…and sticking to them; otherwise, they’re just suggestions.

Movement as Medicine

Dance the way to happier MOMOs. Turn up the music and move, even it it’s to turn in a circle til dizziness sets in like a 4-year-old spinning to grin. 

Other great options are to tiptoe through the tulips…walk barefoot on the grass or in the dirt…something to help physically connect to Earth’s feel-good negative ions to neutralize those pesky positive ions.

Squeezy Pleasey

Ask someone willing to share their shine to please share a squeezy hug. The power of touch to manage the MOMOs is in the feel-good hormones released with a cuddle, hug, or holding of the hand. But don’t take my word for it, check out this article by Dignity Health.

Smudge the Space

Do what our ancestors did and use smoke to clear the air. Light a smudge stick and visualize negative vibes releasing with the smoke, sweeping them out and away. Sometimes I literally use my hand or a feather to sweep the smoke out a door or window. Other times, I simply visualize the smoke moving negative vibes out a window, through a wall, or out an imaginary door. 

Phew, that was a lot of tips and tools, even for a short list, and they can be tweaked to make them special or used to inspire new ones.  

Don’t wait for the MOMOs to build up and explode bad vibes on the ones closest to us…save em for the ones who deserve a bit of shizzle thrown their way <ha, joking>, sort of, but seriously, let’s not stockpile the feels to the point shizzle starts to fly. Let’s tend the vibes for a garden that blooms with the moods and emotions that make us feel good and serves our soul well.

If you found this information helpful, funny, enlightening, follow me on the socials @PinkJewelDaisy. If none of this resonates with you, I bid you well, on your way to finding what does. Peace, Love, and Daisies. :-)

Bright Blessings

Jewel Daisy


* This information is for educational purposes only and does not constitute health care advice. You should seek the advice of your doctor before making health care decisions.

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