Tuning the Jangle out of Your Crystal's Jingle

Do crystals lose their mojo? 

Is it possible for a crystal’s jingle to get a little jangled? Tuning a crystal is how to keep your crystal’s jingle in tune and keep it working well for ya.

Tuning the Jangle out of Your Crystal's Jingle

Crystals have been schmoozing me long before I noticed, long before I learned the science of what makes these stones so schmoozy. To answer the question of whether or not crystals can lose their mojo or, as I also like to say, their vibey goodness, let me first share in my wordy way, the 411 on what makes crystal energy so powerful and perfect for us humans and our MOMOs. (moods and emotions). 

Preachy Moment Here! Because crystals have become so popular, there seems no shortage of shysters willing to sell a crystal with little care for ensuring its authentic, sharing credible information, or infusing positive vibes into the energetic connection between humans and their stones. Sources matter and intentions matter. Be mindful of where you get your crystals and whether or not the place you're getting your information resonates with you. Use your intuition, also known as gut instinct. :-)

Crystals are geometric brilliance made by Mama Earth. We know everything is energy, thanks Einstein! We humans with our electromagnetic frequencies can resonate with various energetic fields around us. And, yoohoo, crystals have their own energetic fields. 

These brilliant stones naturally grown in the earth, vibrate with energetic frequencies that are consistent, more consistent than the vibrations we humans radiate. Think quartz crystals used in watches (not exactly the same type of crystals as the ones sold in the crystal shop, but that’s a topic for another day). Quartz is used in electronics because of its ability to produce a dependable vibration when certain variables are applied to its crystalline structure. And when we humans with our easily-influenced energetic fields connect with Mama Earth crystal’s stable energetic fields, our body entrains (aligns energetically) with the crystal, to resonate, to be influenced by the energetic frequency of stable crystal vibes.

So, now that we've covered a bit of the sciencey stuff to add some substance to the quality of the answer. Yes, I feel that crystals can lose a bit of their vibey mojo. Their vibey goodness can get out of sync with their dominant frequency; their jingle can get a little jangled!

How to Retune Crystals

I’ve researched and read and practiced lots of ways to cleanse crystals. The word "cleansing" is individually defined and used in various ways. I follow the teachings of Hibiscus Moon. So instead of simply saying "cleansing," I'm gonna say "tuning."  

To keep your crystal’s vibrational jingle tuned perfectly, give it some sound love. To retune crystals, use sound to reset the crystal to its base vibrational frequency. To do this, purify the crystal with high amplitude acoustics. Exposing your crystal to high amplitude sound will release a vibration that kicks that crystal’s atoms back into their natural base frequency. There’s not a written-in-stone rule (I love me some puns), on when crystals need retuning, but here’s what I've found serves well.

When I first get a crystal, I smudge it to clear energies not my own from the crystal. Next I retune. I do this by ringing my quartz singing bowl or dinging my tuning fork close to the crystal to be tuned. You could also use a chime, a bell, or turn up some music really loud, something to release a high amplitude noise for the vibration to resonate with the crystal. I also retune my crystals if I use them a lot or when I’ve been in a high-drama, intense situation. I use my intuition to guide me when my crystal needs some TLC. 

If the information and bright MOMO vibe resonates with you, stay connected energetically. Subscribe to my blog at the bottom of my blog page. I'll be sharing insider tips from a credible source you can trust. 

P.S. I've been workin on setting up the Jewel Shop, where you'll find limited edition, crystals, oils, and, words to help inspire and brighten your MOMOs (moods and emotions). Keep an eye out for the first item in the Jewel Shop collection: Tickled Pink. Until then,

Bright Blessings,

Jewel Daisy

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